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Juvenile Court Software Options

Juvenile Court Software

Henschen & Associates Juvenile Court Software has everything your Court needs. Juvenile Court features include:

GI (Graphical User Interface) for Juvenile Information System

GI allows the use of a mouse to interact with all case management fields. The user can choose whether they want to run the case management system in the GI or Character version, unlike other programs.

CHR (Character Interface) for Juvenile Information System

With the character version of the interface, no mouse is used within the case management system - everything is done with the keyboard.

Online Record Search


We have updated our eFiling to make it more affordable for more courts. We are hosting the all-new eFiling in-house at H&A - this allows us to cut the costs to the courts. New features have been added too. If you haven’t seen it, just ask! eFiling allows parties to file documents with the court without mailing them or having to go to the court to do so.

Responsive Design Web Page with Record Search

Get a modern look on your website with our responsive design and update. Change up your site, add new items, and get a new look. Get a record search which can run on cell phones and still get the great look and feel that you get on a PC. As technology advances, you need your web site to stay fresh. Let us show you what we can do for you today.

Voiding Transactions

There’s a new browse showing more information about the items you are voiding, such as whether or not a deposit was an applied versus a refund and how much of it was applied. If a transaction was already voided, the system will not allow the staff to void that transaction again. It will automatically void the check if a check was posted (but yet not issued) on the transaction, similar to a deposit refund.

Copy Docket Entries

We have made it easier for you to copy a docket entry from one case to another. With a click of a button and typing in the new case number, the system will copy the entry from one case to another. This does not include money entries, but if there is an image attached, it will copy that too.

Better Security of Check File Transactions

Our Software has multiple levels of securing of your check as they move through the process of a check.

  1. When a check is first posted to the check file, the check is sealed as far as case number and transaction info. This still allows for name and address changes.
  2. When the check is issued, the payee information, check date, and check number become sealed.
  3. Following the check being issued, it can be voided, cleared, or marked as unclaimed. Once this is done, those items will be sealed.
  4. At this point, all you can do is view the check.

Full Docket View with Images

The new full docket view displays all docket entries on the case in an html page (web page), allowing a great view of the entire case docket versus the normal four lines at a time. To the right of the docket listing is an area for viewing images. If you click the link under thed ocket entry, the system will display your image in this area, making it easier and quicker to access all of your images. This html page also allows you to print the docket out without going to a menu or choosing other options.

Imaging with PDF

Our new document converter will turn all of your scanned images into the PDF format. We feel with more and more devices coming loaded with PDF viewers, we need to look for this as an option. We find that we could make the imaged compressed in a size which is comparable to that of a DJVU, so we now are offering this as a solution.


This feature helps save time when processing your payments. The Court will receive payments "on-line". These payments will post into a temporary file while waiting to be processed by the a clerk. At the touch of a key, the system will take you to an area for receipting, will print the receipt, and will post the information to the case file.

Probation Check-In Kiosk

The kiosk allows defendants to check in for their probation without seeing a probation officer. You can give ask the defendants questions or give information to your defendants by placing this information into the computer system. They can also ask you questions, which you can answer by phone or on their next visit to the kiosk. The system will post all questions and answers back to your memo/activity entries along with a photo of the person checking in, as long as you have a camera set up on your kiosk.

Judge's Access

The Judge’s Access update allows the judge to move more quickly and efficiently through the system. Simple menu choices take the judge directly into index mode in Civil, Criminal, and Traffic. Only necessary buttons are displayed at the bottom of the screen for what the judge needs to view cases. Although a complete item, we can customize this to the judge’s needs by adding, removing, or changing items.

Save Images to End of Month Summary File

If you have the “End of Month Summary File”, this item will allow you to save images of cashbook reports, balancing sheets, etc. to a file on the server, allowing you to later view or print them without going to get the hard copy.

Probation Case Summary

This item will display a summary of the probation case, dates on/off, program completions, etc. This can be modified to fit your needs and make your job easier.

Customize your Juvenile Court Package by adding any of the following features...

  • Budgetary & Accounting

  • Black Book Scheduler

  • Check-In (Jury/Hearings)

  • Data Capture

  • Digital Signatures

  • eCitations

  • eFiling

  • eJournal

  • ePayments

  • eReturns

  • eService

  • eSearch Warrants

  • Imaging/Paper on Demand

  • Jury Management

  • MergePro Forms

  • Offsite Backup

  • Paperless Court

  • Probation Kiosk Check-In

  • Record Search